For Septage Haulers

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Septage disposal for haulers and RVs

For over 30 years, the District has provided valuable septage disposal treatment service to rural homes and businesses in Dane County and the surrounding region. To ensure the integrity of our wastewater, pumping companies and septage haulers are issued a permit by our pretreatment coordinator before they are allowed to utilize this service.

To apply for a permit, complete the Septage Hauler Permit Application and mail forms to:
Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Attn: Pretreatment Coordinator, 1610 Moorland Road, Madison, WI 53713.
Questions? Please email our pretreatment coordinator.

Accepted wastes

  • Domestic septage from holding and septic tanks
  • Porta potty wastewater
  • Leachate from local closed landfills
  • Grease from local restaurants and food service establishments
  • Car wash sand

Wastes not accepted

  • Wastewater generated out of state

Wastes requiring prior approval

  • Food wastes
  • Industrial wastes

Please contact our pretreatment coordinator for any questions about hauled waste.

Hours of operation

Septage receiving hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Note that the gate may be closed on weekends, so haulers are advised to call (608) 576-9637 or (608) 225-8470 in advance.

Haulers and RV owners enter the plant through Gate 1 and follow the route on this map to get to septage receiving.

RV owners

RV owners are welcome to use our septage receiving station during business hours. There is no charge for RVs to dump graywater and blackwater. A sanitary dump station is also available at nearby William G. Lunney Lake Farm County Park; there is a charge for non-campers.

Disposal rates

The District charges septage haulers for this service; the fee schedule changes annually and is outlined below for the 2024 year. For a 2023 fee schedule, please contact the Pretreatment and Waste Acceptance Coordinator.

Waste TypeRate / 1,000 gallons

Septic Tank


Holding Tank


Grease Trap


Settling Basin


Portable Toilet


An administrative charge of $44.89 per month also applies.