Pumping Station 17 Force Main Public Information Meeting #2

Home / Pumping Station 17 Force Main Public Information Meeting #2

Date / Time

August 24, 2022   /  
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Learn about the upcoming Pumping Station 17 Force Main project in a virtual Public Information Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 24 at 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

This phase of the Pumping Station 17 Force main Relief will continue north of Arbor Vitae Place and run east to the Goose Lake area. 

The meeting will include a presentation on the project background, design progress, anticipated environmental impacts, potential corridor improvements, and next steps. Give your input on potential corridor improvements such as: completing the Badger Mill Creek paved path (from Arbor Vitae Place to junction of Military Ridge State Trail), native species restoration, and Pheasant Lane trail widening. The presentation by the District, City of Verona, Town of Verona, Dane County, and Ice Age Trail Alliance staff will be followed by a Q&A period.

Read more about the project here: https://www.madsewer.org/project/pumping-station-17-force-main-relief-phase-2/

To register: https://link.madsewer.org/ps17fm-pim2