Salt prematurely ages roads and bridges and degrades freshwater lakes, streams and drinking water. All the salt that is applied to streets and sidewalks ends up in our freshwater. Just a teaspoon of salt permanently pollutes five gallons of water.
Each year, our District partners with organizations nationwide to elevate conversations around winter salt pollution through Winter Salt Week. By raising awareness of the problems with salt pollution and shining a light on winter road maintenance practices and technologies, we can help keep freshwater fresh.
The week features daily virtual livestreams on problems with over salting and solutions for chloride pollution with expert commentary by ecologists, public works staff and policymakers from across the United States. Attendees can learn about the environmental toll of de-icers, private industry successes, actions that states are taking and how individuals can get involved.
Winter Salt Week 2025
Monday, January 27 to Friday, January 31
Daily live streams – see the lineup
Register now

Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District is a member of the Wisconsin Salt Wise partnership. The District works year-round to reduce chloride pollution and help communities minimize the impacts of salt use on freshwater systems.