
Home / Commission

Providing governance and oversight for the District

The District is governed by a Commission of nine Commissioners serving staggered terms. Five Commissioners are appointed by the mayor of the City of Madison. Three Commissioners who reside outside the City of Madison are appointed by an executive council made up of elected officials from District cities (except for Madison) and villages. One Commissioner is appointed by an executive council comprised of town-elected officials.

Commissioners meet twice a month most months of the year; meetings are currently livestreamed on the District’s YouTube channel. Special meetings are held as needed.

The Commissioners meet at a large table in-person.

Meet our Commissioners

Learn more about the District’s Commissioners.

One Commissioner speaks at a microphone during a Commission meeting.

Commission Meetings

Find upcoming meetings, agendas and meeting materials

A branded District mug is held in front of a laptop during a meeting.

Commission Policy Book

The Commission Policy Book is the framework for meetings and staff work.