The Badger Mill Creek Stakeholder Group has moved into its final quarter of meetings before presenting its portfolio of projects to the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Commission in September 2024. After spending several months hearing presentations and learning about opportunities and challenges in the watershed, stakeholder group participants have been busy the past few months developing project profiles. Those projects are:

- Groundwater recharge
- Baseflow augmentatation
- Badger Mill Creek Watershed Management Plan
- Environmental monitoring
Each project profile includes a description of the work, estimated costs, potential timing and supplemental funding, and involved stakeholders.
In its July 2024 and August 2024 meetings, the stakeholder group will continue to refine the project profiles and prepare for the September 12, 2024 Commission meeting. Note that stakeholder group participants will vote on what is included in the final portfolio of projects at the August meeting.
Participants will also engage in discussions about the future of the stakeholder group. There is a strong interest in continuing to meet in some form as the projects are further developed and executed.
Regulatory update
To meet regulatory phosphorus compliance requirements for Badger Mill Creek, the District plans to consolidate its two outfalls into one outfall in Badfish Creek. This was outlined in our Final Compliance Alternative Plan (FCAP), which was approved by our Commission and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in 2023. The next step is an update to Dane County’s Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan, which shows point sources; the District’s outfalls are considered point sources.
On Monday, June 10, 2024, the District submitted a request to the Capital Area Region Planning (CARPC) and WDNR to modify the water quality plan. The WDNR contracts with CARPC to run a public process on amendment requests; CARPC then provides a recommendation to WDNR, which makes the final decision.
The submission of our request kicks off a 90-day process with CARPC, which includes a public hearing. CARPC staff introduced this topic at its meeting on June 13, 2024, and a public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, July 11. Information about CARPC’s meetings can be found here.
Stakeholder Group creek tour
On June 12, 2024, a handful of Badger Mill Creek Stakeholder Group participants enjoyed a picnic and walk along the creek to see recent improvements to the area.

The stakeholder group continues to make great progress and work collaboratively to understand and define projects that support the health and resiliency of Badger Mill Creek. Thank you to all the organizations and individuals who have committed their time, talent, and knowledge to this effort, including Capital Area Regional Planning Commission, Dane County, City of Fitchburg, City of Madison, City of Verona, Friends of Badger Mill Creek Environmental Corridor, Trout Unlimited Southern Wisconsin Chapter, Town of Verona, Upper Sugar River Watershed Association and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Content within this article was sent via email to District partners, subscribers and friends of Badger Mill Creek on June 13, 2024. For more information on compliance recommendations and the compliance process, please review the FAQs on our Phosphorus Compliance – Badger Mill Creek page.