Project spotlight: Manhole casting repair work
Manhole inspection and repair, particularly manhole casting repair, takes the Collection System Services (CSS) crew to challenging settings.
Manhole inspection and repair, particularly manhole casting repair, takes the Collection System Services (CSS) crew to challenging settings.
Predictive maintenance (PdM) techniques, like oil sampling and analysis, help us determine equipment condition and timing of maintenance.
The District launched a workforce development program for its Operations & Maintenance (O&M) department to address critical staffing needs.
Metrogro is an important partner in the District’s phosphorus reduction efforts and aids in the goals of Yahara WINS.
Every summer, the Facilities Maintenance (FM) crew performs aeration tank cleaning and inspection of a portion of the plant’s 30 tanks.
Madison needed to decide whether to increase capacity of the Burke Plant or build another treatment plant in the Nine Springs marsh area.