Facilities Maintenance team walks the talk on winter salt reduction
In winter, salt reduction is serious business. Meeting clean water standards is essential when chloride levels in wastewater rise.
In winter, salt reduction is serious business. Meeting clean water standards is essential when chloride levels in wastewater rise.
When a contractor drilled a hole in a District force main pipe under Monona Drive in 2009, what temporary fix and innovative repair was used?
Concerns for odors and health were causing city leaders to look for solutions, but the science of wastewater treatment was still in its infancy.
A vacuum excavator uses suction or pressurized air to clear tough obstructions and speed general maintenance at a wastewater treatment plant.
Twas in the Pipes is an unflushables adventure at the wastewater treatment plant, inspired by the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
In winter, it is common to see higher levels of chloride arrive at the treatment plant due to salt use on roadways and sidewalks.