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Detours of portions of Military Ridge, Cannonball paths start Monday for sewer replacement project

December 4, 2020

MADISON — Portions of the Military Ridge Path and Cannonball Path between McKee Road and Dunn’s Marsh, as well as the Velo UnderRound, will be closed starting Monday as construction begins on Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Nine Springs Valley Interceptor. Detour signage with wayfinding maps has been posted in the construction area and along nearby trail connections to help trail users navigate the construction area. The detour map can also be found at This construction project is necessary to replace 4,200 lineal feet of deteriorating sanitary interceptor.

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Nine Springs Valley Interceptor sewer replacement project to start December 7

November 12, 2020

Project will affect Military Ridge Path and Cannonball Path; virtual information meeting scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 19 MADISON — Construction on Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Nine Springs Valley Interceptor between McKee Road and Dunn’s Marsh is scheduled to begin on Monday, Dec. 7, 2020. This project will replace a deteriorating sanitary interceptor along the Military Ridge Path and Cannonball Path, and portions of the trails will be closed during the project. “This portion of the interceptor is deteriorating and needs to be replaced to effectively convey wastewater to the Nine Springs treatment plant,” says Rachel Feil,

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Major sewer project slated for near west Madison, Shorewood Hills area in spring 2021

October 1, 2020

Virtual information meeting slated for Tuesday, Oct. 6; public invited to attend MADISON — Next spring, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District will begin a three-year project to construct the West Interceptor Shorewood Relief pipe. This new pipe will be part of the West Interceptor system, a complex system of pipes serving the near west side of Madison, Middleton, Shorewood Hills and the Town of Westport. This project is necessary to increase capacity, which ensures the safe and reliable conveyance of wastewater while protecting public health and the environment.

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Salt Savers training equips water softener professionals to cut the daily salt load to freshwater streams

August 13, 2020

Innovative app and incentive program advance chloride reduction goals MADISON, WIS. — Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District hosted a virtual training Wednesday to educate professionals on how to improve water softener efficiency. The training featured an app that can assist in the evaluation of softeners and enable professionals to maximize salt efficiency based on household water use and local water hardness. “Not one minute was wasted time,” Melanie Lichtfeld, owner of Lichtfeld Plumbing and training participant, said of the training.

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Upcoming project to replace deteriorating sewer will affect Military Ridge Trail and Cannonball Path

August 4, 2020

Public input sought on trail detours; virtual information meeting slated for this Thursday, Aug. 6 MADISON, WIS. — Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District is in the final planning stages of a project to replace a sanitary interceptor along the Military Ridge Trail and Cannonball Path. This project, known as Nine Springs Valley Interceptor Improvements – McKee Road to Dunn’s Marsh, will affect access to these trails, and portions of the trails will be closed during the project.

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Yahara WINS partnership exceeds phosphorus reduction goals for third straight year

July 27, 2020

Efforts prevent 55,000 pounds of phosphorus from entering local waters MADISON, WI – Local partners prevented 55,000 pounds of phosphorus from entering local water bodies in 2019 as part of the Yahara WINS project, a cooperative effort to reduce algae blooms and other water quality issues caused by excessive phosphorus in waterways. In the third full year of the project, Yahara WINS again exceeded its phosphorus reduction goal for the year, placing it on track to achieve the yearly phosphorus reductions necessary to meet goals set by the end of the 20-year project.

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