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Upcoming project to replace deteriorating sewer will affect Military Ridge Trail and Cannonball Path

August 4, 2020

Public input sought on trail detours; virtual information meeting slated for this Thursday, Aug. 6 MADISON, WIS. — Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District is in the final planning stages of a project to replace a sanitary interceptor along the Military Ridge Trail and Cannonball Path. This project, known as Nine Springs Valley Interceptor Improvements – McKee Road to Dunn’s Marsh, will affect access to these trails, and portions of the trails will be closed during the project.

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Yahara WINS partnership exceeds phosphorus reduction goals for third straight year

July 27, 2020

Efforts prevent 55,000 pounds of phosphorus from entering local waters MADISON, WI – Local partners prevented 55,000 pounds of phosphorus from entering local water bodies in 2019 as part of the Yahara WINS project, a cooperative effort to reduce algae blooms and other water quality issues caused by excessive phosphorus in waterways. In the third full year of the project, Yahara WINS again exceeded its phosphorus reduction goal for the year, placing it on track to achieve the yearly phosphorus reductions necessary to meet goals set by the end of the 20-year project.

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Yahara WINS now accepting grant applications for innovative phosphorus reduction projects

April 7, 2020

Applications accepted through May 27 MADISON, WI – The Yahara Watershed Improvement Network, or Yahara WINS, is now accepting grant applications from area organizations for innovative, low-cost projects that will help reduce the amount of phosphorus in local waterways. Excessive phosphorus can cause dangerous and unsightly algae blooms in local lakes, rivers and streams, reduce water quality and harm aquatic life. “Improving the quality of our local waterways through phosphorus reduction requires collaborative, adaptive and innovative approaches,” says Martye Griffin,

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No such thing as a ‘flushable’ wipe

March 20, 2020

The Engineering Division and Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District would like to remind the community that there is no such thing as a “flushable” wipe, even if the manufacturer has labeled it as such. Disinfectant disposable wipes, should not be flushed down the toilet. Instead, throw the wipes away after use. Many residents are using disinfectant disposable wipes to keep their homes clean in a time of COVID-19 home self-quarantine. While many wipes indicate that they are “flushable,” and seem similar to toilet paper,

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World Water Day: Everyone has a role to play in the connection between water and climate change

March 20, 2020

We already know that combatting climate change will require quick work across multiple fronts, but one often-overlooked area is how water and water infrastructure play a role in mitigating climate change. This connection between water and climate change is the theme of World Water Day 2020, an annual United Nations observance focused on the importance of fresh water. While this is an international observance, we all have a role to play and the good news is that every action,

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Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District closes to public; cancels tours until further notice, public meetings scheduled for this week

March 15, 2020

District also asks residents to avoid flushing toilet paper alternatives Starting tomorrow, Monday, March 16, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District will be closed to visitors to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). As critical infrastructure necessary to protect public health and the environment, this decision will help protect our frontline employees who perform this mission-critical work and help curtail the spread of the virus. To protect the public as a whole, the District has suspended all tours at the plant.

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