Information that helps drive District decision-making
The District regularly produces plans and reports to guide District decision-making, infrastructure improvements and investments. We also produce annual reports to recap the year and our operations.
Facilities & master plans
A facilities plan is a critical first step in implementing improvements to the District’s treatment plant and collection system. Public participation, including public meetings and stakeholder review, is a key component of facility planning.
2020 Energy Management Master Plan
The 2020 Energy Management Master Plan is a high-level document intended to help guide the District as it considers upcoming aging infrastructure replacement projects.
Plan approved: 2021
Liquid Processing Facilities Plan
This plan focuses on future needs of the District including increased capacity, infrastructure resiliency and flexibility to manage peak flows.
Plan approved: 2017
Biosolids Management Plan
This plan provides the District with practical steps to make smart investments toward achieving a sustainable and resilient biosolids program, both now and into the future
Plan approved: 2021
Solids Handling Facilities Plan (11th Addition)
This plan provides recommendations for improvements to the District’s facilities for the thickening and digestion of biosolids through 2030.
Plan approved: 2010
Collection System Facilities Plan
This plan provides recommendations for improvements to the District’s collection system facilities through 2030.
Plan approved: 2011
50-Year Master Plan
This plan provides the District with a general guidance tool for providing service over the next 50-year planning period.
Plan approved: 2009
Annual Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
The District produces its annual operating budget to guide investments and spending for the year. The final budget, which is approved in October each year, includes the District’s Capital Improvements Plan, or CIP. The CIP is updated annually to reflect capital projects needed to keep the District’s assets in good working order. Projects and a budget summary are included for a six-year time period.
The District’s annual adopted operating budget & Capital Improvements Plan serves as the District’s annual report to meet statutory requirements.
Annual adopted budgets and CIPs are available online for a minimum of five years; for older documents, please contact District staff.
2025 Adopted Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
2024 Adopted Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
2023 Adopted Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
2022 Adopted Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
2021 Adopted Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
2020 Adopted Budget & Capital Improvements Plan
Strategic Plan
The District’s strategic plan was approved by the Commission in August 2022. This plan is a living document that guides decision-making and resource prioritization to ensure the District stays true to its purpose, meets the needs and expectations of its customer communities, puts performance at the forefront, and positions the District as a leader among clean water agencies.
The plan structure includes:
- Strategic purpose: Our purpose succinctly describes why the District exists — to provide wastewater management — and who it serves — its customer communities.
- Owner expectations: These outline the Commission’s understanding of how communities expect us to approach our work and what aspects are most critical to communities.
- Performance areas: Performance areas are those activities the District must excel at to fulfill its strategic purpose and meet owner expectations. They are high-level and broad categories of effort.