Chloride Reduction Incentive Programs

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Encouraging innovative projects to reduce salt in the sewer system

Removing chloride, a component of salt, from wastewater is costly and energy intensive. But to protect our freshwater resources, we need to reduce the amount of chloride in our water as much as possible. While the District could add expensive chloride reduction technology at the treatment plant, a more cost-effective approach is reducing the amount of chloride getting into the system in the first place. To support local salt reduction, the District offers chloride reduction grants and funding to incentivized projects that advance our chloride reduction goals.

If you have questions about these programs, would like to request an application, or need a program reporting form, contact our Pollution Prevention team.

Commercial & Industrial Water Softener Rebate

These C&I water softener rebates are intended for commercial, industrial or multi-unit residential facilities serving three or more units to implement projects that reduce salt in water softeners in their facilities.

Road salt reduction grants

These grants are for winter maintenance professionals working to be leaders in water quality protection by utilizing best practices that reduce road salt use. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis each year until funds have been exhausted. Several local businesses have taken advantage of these rebates to reduce their salt use, including a few featured in these case studies.

Chloride reduction innovation grants

The goal of these grants is to incentivize innovative projects that result in changes to business practices, behaviors and norms that facilitate permanent reductions of chloride to the sewer system. The District will consider applications as they are received, as long as District funding is available.

Read “Chloride reduction grant expands reach of Efficiency Navigator program,” “Project Home partnership seeks new path to reduce chloride” or “Chloride reduction grant awarded to Forest Products Lab for brine innovation” for examples of past grant awardees and their efforts to reduce chloride reaching the region’s surface waters.