Current Projects: Northeast Interceptor-Truax Extension Rehabilitation

Home / What We Do / Current Construction Projects / Northeast Interceptor-Truax Extension Rehabilitation

Project overview

The District is completing this project to provide safe and reliable wastewater conveyance to residents and businesses while protecting public health and the environment. Rehabilitation of the Northeast Interceptor will provide structural stability, prevent infiltration of groundwater and extend the life of the interceptor. An interceptor is the largest component of a sewer network. It receives flow from smaller sewer lines and directs sewage to the wastewater treatment plant.

The Northeast Interceptor serves the Village of Waunakee, Village of Deforest, Village of Windsor, Town of Burke and City of Madison. This project will rehabilitate a portion of the existing Northeast Interceptor pipe and manholes. The portion of the Northeast Interceptor to be rehabilitated was constructed in 1969. The existing pipe contains surface and joint defects which warrant rehabilitation. The existing manholes have high levels of microbial induced corrosion and need rehabilitation.

For rehabilitation, this project will utilize cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) to minimize disturbance where possible. Due to the large size of the existing interceptor, the manhole top decks will need to be removed in certain locations to facilitate the CIPP install. Around the clock work, including night work, will be necessary to cure the large diameter CIPP. The project anticipates needing to bypass flow temporarily though the uses of pumps, hoses and ramps. Manhole renewal will be performed with a general cleaning, prepping, coating and inspection – requiring access through each manhole lid at the surface.

Due to the location of the existing interceptor and the scope of work, there will be necessary temporary traffic impacts along Kinsman Boulevard, N. Stoughton Road (U.S. Highway 51) and Lien Road. Off-street work, including work in the Dane County Regional Airport, is required as well. The District will be coordinating with the City of Madison, WisDOT, Dane County Regional Airport and the Town of Burke for this project.

Public involvement

The public will be notified in advance of traffic closures. Due to the duration of the large diameter CIPP work, parcel owners containing an adjacent direct connection sewer service will be contacted to coordinate bypassing.  


This project will be located along seven portions of the existing Northeast Interceptor:

  • North of Rieder Road
  • Southeast end of Dane County Regional Airport
  • East of Bowman Street
  • East of Wright Street
  • Along Kinsman Boulevard to U.S. Highway 51
  • S. Highway 51 from Kinsman Boulevard to Lien Road
  • Lien Road from U.S. Highway 51 to Thierer Road

Estimated Schedule

Design: January – October 2024

Bid: November 2024

Construction: December 2024 – December 2025, tentative

Project details

Project Type:

Sewer Rehabilitation, CIPP


Seven portions of the existing interceptor:

  • Rieder Road
  • Dane County Airport
  • Bowman Street
  • Wright Street
  • Kinsman Boulevard
  • U.S. Highway 51
  • Lien Road




Design: Jan-Oct 2024
Bid: Nov 2024
Construction: Dec 2024-Dec 2025, tentative


In Design

Project Contact:

Rachel Feil

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