Current Projects: Pumping Station 17 Rehabilitation

Home / What We Do / Current Construction Projects / Pumping Station 17 Rehabilitation

Project Overview

Pumping Station 17, located at 407 Bruce Street, provides service to the City of Verona. The station was placed into service in 1996 when the City of Verona decommissioned their wastewater treatment facility and connected to the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District for the treatment of wastewater generated from residents and businesses.

The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate aging mechanical, electrical and HVAC equipment and incorporate additional capacity for a growing service area. The existing building will be updated with new roofing, including new heating and ventilation equipment. The existing three pumps and motors will be replaced with new, larger units to meet future capacity needs.

The work will be mostly confined to the site property.

The exterior work includes setting a junction structure adjacent to the station.  The junction structure will contain force mains that will connect to the station.  The junction structure will be screened by a louvered fence upon project completion.

Public Impacts

Random shoulder closures of Bruce Street during equipment delivery and/or installation.

The Bruce Street sidewalk adjacent to the site may be detoured at times around the work zone.

Public Involvement

Project requirements and considerations were coordinated with the adjacent City Service departments during design including Public Works and Parks Departments.  Because the work is contained within the existing Pumping Station 17 building and property, public input will not be necessary.

Project details

Project Type:

Pumping Station, Construction, Capacity Improvement, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC


407 Bruce Street
Verona, WI 53593




Design 2021-2023
Construction 2024-2026



Project Contact:

Theran Jacobson
(608) 222-1201

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