Current Projects: West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard

Home / What We Do / Current Construction Projects / West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard

Project overview

The District is completing this project to provide safe and reliable wastewater conveyance to residents and businesses while protecting public health and the environment. Rehabilitation of the West Interceptor will provide structural stability, improve flows, prevent infiltration of groundwater and extend the life of the interceptor. An interceptor is the largest component of a sewer network. It receives flow from smaller sewer lines and directs sewage to the wastewater treatment plant. 

The West Interceptor serves the City of Middleton, the City of Madison, the Village of Shorewood Hills, and the Town of Westport. The portion of the West Interceptor to be rehabilitated with this project is among the oldest interceptors in the District’s collection system, dating back to 1932. The existing pipe contains structural defects which warrant rehabilitation. The existing manholes are exhibiting signs of corrosion, general wear and need rehabilitation.

This project will rehabilitate a portion of the existing West Interceptor pipe and manholes. View a map of the project overview. This project will be located along five portions of the existing West Interceptor:

  • Northwest of Segoe Road, south of the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad, generally behind the State of Wisconsin Building
  • Locust Drive from a private drive to the west to Burbank Place to the east
  • Burbank Place from Locust Drive to University Avenue
  • University Avenue from Hilldale Way to Shorewood Boulevard
  • Shorewood Boulevard from University Avenue to south of the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad

To renew the pipe, this project will utilize a trenchless technology, cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP), to minimize disturbance. The project anticipates needing to bypass select flow temporarily though the uses of pumps, piping and ramps. Manhole renewal will be performed with a general cleaning, prepping, coating and inspection – requiring access through each manhole lid.

The District is coordinating with the City of Madison, Metro Transit, the Village of Shorewood Hills and WisDOT for this work.

Construction impacts

The work in University Avenue and Shorewood Boulevard is tentatively anticipated to primarily occur in spring and/or summer 2025 during nighttime hours with roadway traffic lanes being restored during most daytime hours. The work along University Avenue and Shorewood Boulevard is not anticipated to exceed 12 weeks total and will be phased to minimize disruptions to the extent possible. The engineering traffic consultant is currently working to understand the impacts and access interruptions associated with this project. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Public involvement

  • Adjacent Property Owners will be contacted directly to schedule a 1:1 meeting in November 2024 with the design team to provide input. These meetings will help the design team minimize traffic and/or sewer interruptions to the adjacent property.
  • A public information meeting – date TBD will be held to present the anticipated traffic impacts, construction sequence and schedule (subject to change). This meeting will provide information and resources for the public during construction.

Project details

Project Type:

Sewer Rehabilitation, CIPP


Five portions of the existing West Interceptor:

  • Northwest of Segoe Road
  • Locust Drive
  • Burbank Place
  • University Avenue
  • Shorewood Boulevard




Planning: January-March 2024
Design: April-December 2024
Bid: January-February 2025, tentative
Construction: April-August 2025, tentative


In Design

Project Contact:

Rachel Feil

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