Current Projects: West Interceptor-Shorewood Relief (Phases 1-3)

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Construction update 12/23/2024

The 18" West Inceptor, installed in 1932, is being cut and removed to install new 30" pipe as part of the West Interceptor Shorewood Relief Phase 3 project. Most of the original pipe will be filled and abandoned between Shorewood Blvd and Marshall Ct. Construction began 9/30/2024 and will resume early next spring, as weather forces a break for the winter.

Completed work

  • Shorewood Blvd to open Monday, December 23, 2024. Speedway has installed a temporary concrete road patch to last through winter.
  • 30" interceptor pipe and manholes have been installed from Marshall Ct to the upstream end of the project, west of Shorewood Boulevard.

Over-winter conditions

  • The asphalt bike path between Swarthmore and Marshall Court will remain closed through winter; asphalt plants typically open in late April or early May.
  • Purdue Street asphalt remains and will be open to traffic. The existing bike path from Shorewood Blvd to Columbia remains and will be open to traffic.
  • Overwinter detour will be shortened to use the Bike Path on the north side of the pool between Swarthmore and Marshall Court.

Upcoming work - Spring 2025

  • Shorewood Blvd construction to install manhole, line 60-feet of 15-inch West Interceptor pipe, remove concreate patch and restore Shorewood Blvd with asphalt; dates and duration of road closures are to be determined.
  • Restore Shorewood Pool deck and fence.
  • Restore bike paths. Realign bike path from Shorewood Blvd to Columbia Street, remove and reinstall Purdue Street with 8-1/2 foot wide bike path south of the road and rebuild bike path from Swarthmore to Marshal Court.
  • Install 30-inch pipe and manholes from Marshall Court to University Station. 

Project overview

Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s West Intercepting System is a complex network of sewers that provides service to the near west side of Madison, Middleton, Shorewood Hills and Westport. The original West Interceptor was built in 1916, and there have been several extensions, reliefs and replacements added to the system over the years. The existing interceptor needs to be replaced to increase capacity, which ensures the safe and reliable conveyance of wastewater while protecting public health and the environment.

Phase 1

Phase 1 replaced a pipe installed in 1959 that no longer has sufficient capacity to serve the District's growing service area. The new pipe was laid on the north side of the railroad tracks from Indian Hills Park to Shorewood Boulevard. Sewage flow is from west to east (Indian Hills Park toward Shorewood Boulevard).

Phase 2

Phase 2 is a relief pipe to eventually provide the additional required capacity.  It was installed as part of the City of Madison University Avenue project.  The District’s work was complete in Spring 2023 and the overall University Avenue project reached completion in Fall 2023.  Phase 2 ran from University Station just east of Marshall Court to just west of University Bay Drive.  The installed pipe will not be connected to a live sewer at either end until Phase 3. 

Phase 3

Phase 3 will connect to both ends of Phase 2 (see overall project map).  Construction was originally planned for 2023 and is now scheduled to take place in 2024 and 2025 to avoid interference with the City of Madison University Avenue project.

Construction of the western portion of the overall Phase 3 project from Shorewood Blvd to Marshall Court will take place in Summer 2024 and 2025.  Construction of the West Interceptor-Shorewood Relief  (Highland Section) project in Highland Avenue and in the Campus Drive on and off ramps has been rescheduled to take place in 2025.  View a map of Phase 3.

Shorewood Section Narrative
Shorewood Section Map

West Interceptor-Shorewood Relief (Highland Section) project page
West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard project page

Construction schedule and impacts

Construction of the Shorewood Section is currently underway and must be complete by June 30, 2025.

Shorewood Section construction will involve disruptions to the University Station parking lot, a temporary closure of Marshall Court (up to 10 days), longer term closure of the bike path and Purdue Street (several months), and temporary closure of Shorewood Boulevard (3 to 4 weeks). 

Project history

Three years after the stock market crash of 1929 and the start of the Great Depression, gangs of workers with hand tools, horses, old time trucks and possibly a steam shovel were at the farm of Samuel Post to install an extension to the West Interceptor (WI), an 18-inch diameter clay sewer pipe.  The original West Interceptor, which is still in service, was built in 1916 from Brittingham Park to Farley Avenue.  Flow is east and south towards Brittingham Park. At the Post farm, the 1932 extension passed within 15 feet an old oak tree.  Through the years many extensions to serve new areas, reliefs to increase capacity, and replacements to either increase capacity or replace compromised pipe (or both) were added to the West Interceptor System.  Today this complex network of sewers provides service to the near west side of Madison, Middleton, Shorewood Hills and Westport.  

In 1959 utility workers again visited the Post farm.  This time to install a 36-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe called the West Interceptor Relief (WIR). The WIR is approximately 10 feet north of the WI and 25 feet north of the old oak tree. By and by the farm became a park and the Shorewood Hills Pool was built, it’s concrete deck covering both the WI, now sometimes called the Old West Interceptor, and the WIR.  The old oak tree is still there and has been providing shade to the pool for 54 years.

Once again the system needs additional capacity to serve the growing service area and population within the District.  In 2019 design was begun on another interceptor pipe to relieve the relief and provide estimated required capacity for the next 50 years to 2070. Rather than naming it the West Interceptor Relief Relief we opted for a less confusing name, the West Interceptor Shorewood Relief.  The WI Shorewood Relief Phase 1 was constructed in 2021 and 2022.  It replaced 5,700 feet of the WIR on the north side of the RR tracks from Indian Hills Park to Shorewood Boulevard with lager pipe (some 30 inch  & some 36 inch) for more flow capacity.  Phase 2 was constructed in 2022 and 2023 from Marshall Court to just east of University Bay Drive as part of the University Avenue project.  Phase 2 is truly a relief pipe, an additional pipe to provide more capacity, and in this area the WIR will remain in service.  Currently Phase 2 is nearly 1,500 feet of empty 30-inch diameter pipe, not connected to a live sewer at either end.

Construction of the WI Shorewood Relief Phase 3 has begun between Shorewood Blvd and Marshall Court.  Phase 3 will complete the overall WI Shorewood Relief and will consist of two sections.  The Shorewood Section, under construction, will connect the downstream end of Phase 1 to the upstream end of Phase 2.  The Highland Section will connect the downstream end of Phase 2 to the upstream end of an inverted siphon (also called a depressed sewer), part of the 1959 WIR, that runs under Walnut Street.

Public involvement

Multiple public meetings have been held for the various phases of this project

Phase 1

Postcards with information about the project and virtual meetings were sent to residents in the project area.

Phase 2

Phase 2 public outreach and public meetings were led by the City of Madison. Meeting information and materials are available on the City’s project web page.

Phase 3

At the virtual public information meeting for Phase 3 of the District’s West Interceptor Shorewood Relief project, we presented the near-final design and restoration plans, tentative construction sequence and schedule (subject to change), provided planned detours, and provided resources for the public during construction. The presentation was followed by a Q&A period.

Phase 3 Meeting: Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023

Postcards with information about project meetings will be sent to residents within 300 to 400 feet of the project. In addition to the public meetings the District has been in ongoing coordination discussions with utilities, municipalities, hospitals, the railroad and other agencies and stakeholders.

Project details

Project Type:

Construction, Sewer Replacement


Phase 1: North side of railroad tracks from Indian Hills Park to Shorewood Boulevard

Phase 2: University Avenue from Marshall Court to University Bay Drive

Phase 3: Bike path from Shorewood Boulevard to Marshall Court




Phase 1: Complete

Phase 2: Complete

Phase 3: Final Design 2023-2024
Construction 2024 & 2025

Project Contact:

Eric Hjellen
608-222-1201 x348

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