Service Area

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Serving 24 customer communities throughout Dane County

The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District service area includes 24 cities, villages and town sanitary districts within Dane County, Wisconsin.

A collection system map of Madison and Dane County outlining the District's service area, pumping stations and sewer force mains.


  • Fitchburg
  • Madison
  • Middleton
  • Monona
  • Verona


  • Cottage Grove
  • Dane
  • DeForest
  • Maple Bluff
  • McFarland
  • Shorewood Hills
  • Waunakee
  • Windsor

Town Sanitary/Utility Districts

  • Dunn: Kegonsa Sanitary District and Dunn Nos. 1, 3 & 4
  • Pleasant Springs No. 1
  • Verona: Marty Farms & Verona No. 1
  • Vienna: Wyst59 LLC and Vienna Nos. 1 & 2
  • Westport Sewer Utility District

VIEW OUR Interactive Service Area Map

Check out our interactive service area map for a detailed view of the District. Geographic information system (GIS) data outlines District boundaries (purple), pump stations (green icon), and sewer infrastructure like force mains (red), gravity mains (blue) and siphon mains (green).


View contact information for our customer communities, including daytime, after-hours and emergency phone numbers for cities, villages and town sanitary/utility districts.

rural SERVICE areas

While we directly serve our customer communities, the municipalities and utility/sanitary districts with sewer infrastructure and collection services, we also serve rural homes and businesses in the region via septic waste disposal services for septage haulers and RVs. Septage haulers are required to have a permit before using the service and are subject to disposal fees, according to the type of waste.

Service Area expansion

Developers seeking to expand the District’s service area to new locations beyond existing boundaries can apply for annexations, sanitary sewer extensions or new developments / redevelopments. There is a formal application process to follow according to Wisconsin state statute. Review materials in the developers section of our website.

Helpful Resources

Phone Numbers

Important phone numbers, hours, maps and more

District FAQs

Find frequently asked questions and resources here


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